Unlike previous games, the cards collected from packs have direct correlation to those released for the TCG. Volcano", " Ocubeam", " Steel Ogre Grotto #1", " Terrorking Salmon", " The Earl of Demise" and " Woodborg Inpachi". Designator", " Dark Designator", " Great Phantom Thief", " Mind Crush", " Prohibition" and " Question") and Level 5 Normal Monsters other than " Aitsu", " Bottom Dweller", " Curse of Dragon", " Giga Gagagigo", " Illusionist Faceless Mage", " Jack's Knight", " Kabazauls", " King of Yamimakai", " Labyrinth Wall", " Molten Behemoth", " Mr. This game contains every Yu-Gi-Oh! card made in English at the time of its release (2000+), with the exception of " 8-Claws Scorpion", " Ante", " Barrel Behind the Door", " Darkness Approaches", " Double Spell", " Dragon Piper", " Grave Lure", " Grave Protector", " Gravekeeper's Chief", " Kaiser Colosseum", " Kuwagata α", " Kwagar Hercules", " Legacy Hunter", " Malice Doll of Demise", " My Body as a Shield", " Penalty Game!", " Pharaoh's Treasure", " Pole Position", " Secret Pass to the Treasures", " Spirit Elimination", " Spring of Rebirth", " The Puppet Magic of Dark Ruler", " Trap of Board Eraser", cards that requires to declare a card name (" Archfiend's Oath", " D.D. These cards were later handed out in English Blister Packs. This game comes with three promotional Yu-Gi-Oh! cards enclosed they are " Helios - The Primordial Sun", " Helios Duo Megistus", and " Golden Homunculus".
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Players may also (upon completing the Free Duel mode) battle against Decks which they themselves have designed and saved.
The gameplay involves the player collecting cards in-game and using them to battle the computer players. Yu-Gi-Oh! Ultimate Masters: World Championship Tournament 2006, known as Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters Expert 2006 「遊戯王デュエルモンスターズ エキスパート2006」 in Japan, and Yu-Gi-Oh World Championship Tournament 2006 in Europe is a video game released in early Summer 2006 based on the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise.